Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve

All the service projects that we did during the week sort of came to a head on Christmas Eve. They celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve. We made 8 beds with all of the sheets and pillow cases and bought alot of food and candy, then bought our Christmas presents for the primary in Honduras. We also made two houses to give away.

The first house was given to a family the bishop choose because; 1, they were active in the church, 2, the father was having kidney failure and 3, their house didn't look good at all. They had the worst house on the street. The dad is dying. There were a bunch of pigs next door that would come out in the morning and just walk around all over the job site.

The next house was given to a grandmother that was taking care of three kids alone She washes clothes to earn money. She deserved the house because 1, it is hard to buy things without income. 2, She took care of the grandchildren and 3, she was a widow. We gave toy cars and candy to the kids on the street.

There was one house that we didn't build. The lady who lived there her name was Hazel. she was single and had two babies. She was 22 years old and her legs were crippled. They haden't had any food for months and was desperate. We found out about her because she joined the church and was confirmed Sunday as a new member. When we delivered the food she started to hyperventalate and cry and shake because she was so happy and believed she had a chance to live. She asked one of the girls in our group to take her baby home with her. She smilled really big for the picture and was very happy.

Then we gave the toys we bought with the money from somebody in our ward plus the left over toys from McMillian to the Primary in Choluteca. we had a systematic process to fill the bags. One person with the bags would carry the bag and we would fill it with a girl big toy. Then we would put candy, a note book, colored penciles/crayons and like a bouncy ball or something then we would tie the bag and put a ribbon on it. It took so long to cross the border from Chinandega to Choluteca that some of the kids waited three hours for us to get there.

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